Toggle Desktop Icons
Grab Captions from Disney+
Image Info from Finder
Search MDN
Word Game 🎯
Google Home Speak Text
Open Graph Image Grabber
Update Twitter Name
Browse Reddit Directly in Script Kit
Speak Text with Google's Text-to-Speech
Run a Script from Right-Click in Finder
Search Anime
Use the API to search anime
App Launcher
Search for an app then launch it
Book Search
Use Open Library API to search for books
Center App
Center the frontmost app
Chrome Bookmarks
Select and open a bookmark from Chrome
Open Chrome Tab
List all Chrome tabs. Then switch to that tab
Chrome Tab Switcher
List all Chrome tabs. Then switch to that tab
Launch a url in Chrome. If url is already open, switch to that tab.
Convert Colors
Converts colors between rgb, hex, etc
John's personal startup script for
This probably won't run on your machine 😜
Search for a File
File Search
Launch Twitter in Chrome. If Twitter is already open, switch to that tab.
Search giphy. Paste link.
Gist from Finder
Select a file in Finder, then create a Gist
Google Image Grid
Create a Grid of Images
Hello World
Enter an name, speak it back
Detect Image Width and Height
Show the metadata of an image
Resize an Image
Select an image in Finder. Type option + i to resize it.
Dad Joke
Logs out a Dad Joke from
New Journal Entry
Generate a file using the current date in a specified folder
Open Project
List dev projects
Paste URL
Copy the current URL from your browser. Paste it at cursor.
Project Name
Generate an alliteraive, dashed project name, copies it to the clipboard, and shows a notification
Quick Thoughts
Add lines to today's journal page
Read News
Scrape headlines from then pick headline to read
Browse Reddit from Script Kit
Share Selected File
Select a file in Finder. Creates tunnel and copies link to clipboard.
Open Sound Prefs
Open the Sound prefs panel
Speak Script
Run a Script based on Speech Input
Speed Reader
Display clipboard content at a defined rate
List synonyms
Title Case
Converts the selected text to title case
Update Twitter Name
Change your name on twitter
Vocab Quiz
Quiz on random vocab words
Word API
Queries a word api. Pastes selection.
Create new Blog Post
Daily Story
ConvertKit lookup
Cloudinary upload
Shorten with netlify-shortener
Twimage Download (tweet image)
Cloudinary upload
Upload an image to cloudinary
ConvertKit > Lookup
Query convertkit
Daily Story
Write a quick story
New Post
Create a new blog post
Open EpicReact Repos
Open all the EpicReact Repos in VSCode
Open Project
Opens a project in code
Shorten a given URL with a given short name via netlify-shortener
Twimage Download
Download twitter images and set their exif info based on the tweet metadata
Update EpicReact deps
Update all the dependencies in the epicreact workshop repos